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Today I'm teaching you how to create a Showit Popup Box. Popup boxes can be used for encouraging website visitors to join your email list, announce new services or products, share sales or coupon codes, and more! (See one in action on my homepage.)

While I don't suggest adding popup boxes to your mobile device (and google agrees with me on this one!), they can be great when used appropriately on your desktop design. 

Let's dive in!

How to Create a Showit Popup Box

If you re interested in using Flodesk for your email marketing and Showit Popup Box (as seen in this video), you can save 50% off by using this link.

*Full disclosure, I do earn commission if you decide to sign up. However- I only recommend products and services that I 100% recommend.

Charlotte Rose Template | Create a Showit Popup Box

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Like the Charlotte Rose Website Template seen in this demo? Shop this design and other creative designs below!

Showit Popup Box

Showit Web Designer & Brand Bestie
Featured in Spark Magazine

FREE Website Audit Checklist

Transform Your Website from Ordinary to Extraordinary with this Step-by-Step Checklist!